To see more information about me and topics current to the school please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on Older Posts. I began posting on December 10th so there are quite a few. I have been attending the Grove School Board meetings to hear about the current concerns the Board is addressing. Thank you!
This is a picture of the Sample Ballot for the February 11 Grove School Board Election. Please note the precinct numbers in the upper right corner. If you are a registered voter from Delaware County, OK in one of these precincts and reside within the boundaries of the Grove School District, you may vote. Your precinct # is in the middle of your voter registration card. If you do not have your card or know your precinct # you may take this link to the Voter Portal and find that information. If you have a question about living in the Grove School District, you may call the election board at
. precincts 3,6,8,and 12 are the ones in question. To know if you can vote will be important to our poll workers on election day. We want them to keep their hair!
I would gladly welcome your vote if you think I am the
best person for the job.
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