Board Meeting News
From the January 14th meeting
I have been attending Board Meetings to take notes, sometimes speak and thinking how I would vote on issues that come up for a vote. These are things of interest from the last meeting:
1. It was Board Appreciation Month. Board Members were given a gift and notes from children in the school district.
2. The report from the Superintendent included news that the new digital signs had been funded by a contribution from Grace Presbyterian Church.
3. There are increasing college readiness visits . The Gear Up program is now available for Grove Schools. (See information below.)
4. Two Board Members have been screening applications for a new football coach.
5. Brightwell was unable to come to the meeting as planned with the presentation by them to come in February's meeting. Solar Energy is now being considered as a possibility for the HS as well as Lower elementary and Middle School buildings.
6. Professional Development Day for teachers was on January 7th. MLK Day is on the 20th.
7. Superintendent Dodson will be be in OKC for conference next week.
8. 2 Resignations.
9. Thank you to The Church on the Hill for $2500 donation to help cover unpaid lunch charges .
10. An agreement with Northeastern State University Teacher Education Program was approved.
11. During Executive Session they voted to employ a named Computer Technician.
12. During Executive Session it was voted to amend Superintendent Dodson's contract to add $20,000 to his base salary.