Monday, February 3, 2025

Audience with School Board in November

In an earlier post on this blog, I stated my support for the Bible to be used in the Oklahoma classrooms.  "3) An issue I am especially interested in the restoration of the Bible to the classroom as a source of historical significance in our world and country.  There is so much false information that people quote because they heard it from someone else.  The guidelines for the use of the Bible in classrooms were published by the State Department of Education and are clear how the Bible can be used under the state standards. Period.  

Today I want to let you read my speech during audience time to the Board in November 2024. 

Thank you for giving me time to speak this evening.  I come to express that I am very enthusiastic about the effort of our State Superintendent of the Department of Education to include the Bible in our educational process. 

As most likely the oldest person in the room tonight , I would like to give you a view from the “way back” machine.  When I was a third grader from Illinois in 1957, our class was having a fundraiser.  We were to sell boxes of greeting cards.  If we sold a certain number of boxes, we would get a highly valued prize.  This was something everyone wanted and I worked very hard to earn that prize.  Yes, my prize was my first Bible!  This is the same Bible I carried to Bible College 10 years later.







As time has passed I have been saddened to see the attitude toward the Bible to become one of derision and rejection especially in an educational setting.  For the Bible as a foundational text to be restored to its significance in history is a move that should be welcomed. 

You may be aware of the guidelines for instructional use of the Bible in Oklahoma classrooms.  These guidelines cite the areas of study and the educational standards satisfied by each area of study.

Did you know that our state standards call for teaching the world’s five great religions?  I have been told some teachers said they easily taught about four of them but they were reluctant to teach about Christianity due to the current climate.  The guidelines will clarify what exactly could be addressed and free our teachers to do their jobs in this area.

Within the Guidelines, the Legal Considerations are addressed.  It is specifically stated that “Teacher must not promote or favor any religious beliefs, focusing solely on the historical and literary aspects of the Bible. “   That should protect everyone involved.

Lastly I would like to tell you a story.  This is about George Frideric Handel. He was born in the 1700s.  His father discouraged his musical interest but George was captured by the organ, harpsichord and violin.  Once when accompanying his father to the court of Duke Johann Adolf, George wandered  into the chapel, found the organ and started improvising.  The startled Duke exclaimed, “Who is the remarkable child?”

This remarkable child soon began composing operas, first in Italy then in London.  By his 20’s he was the talk of England and the best paid composer on earth.  He opened the Royal Academy of Music.  Londoners fought for seats at his every performance, and his fame soared around the world. 

However, the glory days passed.  He became depressed and it was said that his inspiration was exhausted. 

One morning Handel received by post a manuscript from Charles Jenners.  It was a word-for-word collection of various biblical texts about Christ.

On August 22, 1741 he shut the door of his London home and started composing music for the words.  23 days later, the world had  The Messiah!  Just think of that –writing that had to be done by hand for every part of the orchestra and singers for this in depth piece of musical genius. 

This work, The Messiah, is going to be performed here in Grove this coming Sunday.  If you have the opportunity to attend, I hope you will remember the story behind its writing and how it would go along with the Instructional Support Guidelines for Teachers to include the Bible..

Partially quoted from Then Sings My Soul compiled by Robert J Morgan