Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pam Jarrett for School Board --Phone Policy

 REMINDER--Voting is Tuesday, February 11

 Today I am delighted to let you know about the cell phone policy

adopted for the current school year.

Reading from the policy: "Students may possess cellular phones; however, any student having a cell phone/PED must keep the device turned off and not visible during the time the student arrives on campus until the student leaves campus.  Devices must remain off and stored in a locked locker or backpack where it is not visible.

This policy is in effect from the time a student arrives at school until the completion of the instructional day.

No Cell Phone Policy Observations

-Increased conversations in classes.

-Students stay on task for longer periods of time in classes.

-The volume in the cafeteria at lunch is increased with students visiting with each other rather than looking at a screen.

_We have less instances of bullying and recording things in the building.

-Students seem to be more "in the present" rather than waiting for the teacher to finish the lesson, so they can get on the phone.

-Students are not looking down at their screens while walking to classes and have increased interaction with each other.

-Reduced stress due to avoiding the constant connectivity that social media has.

-Students can absorb information easier due to being able to focus.

These are the most common observations that have either been reported to me or that I have noticed at Grove High School.  I hope they help give you a better perspective of our positive change. 

Mr Bobby Kreutz, GHS Principal

That is what I call GREAT NEWS!
